Stay physically fit with short workouts

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You would like to start running but have little time for practice.
This Jiwok program consists of two sessions per week for 10 weeks, and should help you to run 30 minutes continuously and without any difficulty.
Each workout lasts approximately 30 minutes, alternating walking with active running.
After this program you will feel comfortable to set further goals with the progress achieved.

Coach Guidelines
It is important to equip yourself with a good pair of shoes adapted to your body type and running surface. Ask a fitness expert at a running store to guide you in your choices.
If you can, also get a heart-rate monitor. It will be useful for this program but also for the future.
After each workout, be sure to stretch and drink regularly throughout the day.
Follow the instructions during the sessions especially when it comes to pace.
Remember that you must learn to run relaxed, and take pleasure from it, and this depends upon the mastery of your race pace.
From the start, concentrate on taking nice, deep breaths.
Keep your breathing flowing evenly, as well as the movements of your strides. Ideally your workout days take place on a Wednesday and one Saturday or Sunday.