Run for one hour continuously - 2 sessions per week over 10 weeks

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Occasionally, you run about 20 minutes without stopping. You want to run continuously for 1 hour with relative ease.
This program will give you mixed sessions, alternating running and walking, while maintaining your comfortable race pace.
You will be able to run longer continuously, and enjoy it!
Throughout the sessions you will decrease the walking intervals and increase the running segments, gradually running faster while keeping a good running technique.
Each session will be spaced three to four days apart to enable you to properly absorb the work and recover.

Coach Guidelines
Follow the recommended paces on the various sessions.
Be careful not to run too fast, but at the same time maintain a good walking pace; this allows for smaller variations in heart rate between the sequences of running and walking.
Bring a heart rate monitor with you to ensure that you do not run above the recommended paces.
On the faster sequences try to maintain a good running technique and keep your running fluid and relaxed.
Check the condition of your shoes to avoid injury.
Make sure you drink regularly, and try alternating vegetables and starchy foods in your meals.
Remember to stretch between sessions to help your muscles recover.
We recommend you do your first workout on Wednesday as it is the third day of the week. The second session should take place on Saturday or Sunday.
Good luck.