Get physically fit for ski by riding the elliptical - 2 sessions per week for 8 weeks

    • Type :

    • Duration :

      8 weeks
    • Level :

      Intermediate (regular physical activity)
    • For :

      men, women
    • Rhythm :

      2 times/week
    • Coach :

      Coach Jiwok
    • Number of workouts :

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  • Objective

    Optimize your physical condition and avoid injuries before going skiing.

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  • Description

    You do not workout on a regular basis; you are also able to occasionally run 30 to 45 minutes without stopping, or toride a bikefor about 1 hour 30 minutes.
    Before you go skiing and in order to avoid any injury, you want to get ready and you choose to exercise on a regular basis on the elliptical machine to reinforce your lower muscles, improve your physical fitness and optimize your ski holidays.
    This program which includes 2 sessions per week for 8 weeks must help you get into shape.
    This training program's sessions alternate between different intensities; also, they vary so you will be able to workout during 1 hour without being bored.
    By the end of the program, you will be able to set new goals for yourself and take advantage of all the progress you've made.

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  • Coach Guidelines

    First of all, check your workout gear, shoes and outfit adapted to indoor sports For this, ask a professional for assistance on what to get.
    Also get a heart rate monitor so you can monitor your heart rate
    Remember to stretch well after each workout and drink regularly during your day.
    Please respect instructions during your sessions, especially those pertaining to pace and heart rate.
    From the start, control your breathing while inhaling and exhaling deeply from your abdomen and thorax.
    Keep breathing comfortably, but also feel altogether comfortable.
    Ideally, try to workout on Wednesday and Saturday or Sunday.
    In order to reinforce your muscles, you can for example do the following exercise session once or twice a week; The exercises follow one another with very short recovery sequences (10 to 15 seconds).
    You'll initially repeat 2 series of the following exercise (toning and stretching), and as you get more comfortable, add more series and/or add to your workout time.
    1- Sitting, with your back to the wall: 45 seconds to 1 minute
    2- Jump, feet parallel 90 ° flexion: 10 times
    3- Abs, on your back, knees bent, hands behind your head, lift your chest towards your knees: 20 times
    4- Flex your right leg, left leg behind, slightly bent and right foot on a chair: 10 to 20 times, then change legs
    5- Jump right/left feet parallel (same as for a slalom): 6 times
    6- Core strength exercise: lie face down on mat, rest on your elbows, forearms and toes, keep your back flat, in a straight line: 45 seconds to 1 minute
    7- Stretching: 1 to 2 minutes to help you recover between laps.
    Please do this session at the end of your workout; if its not possible,then do it on a different day. If that's the case, make sure to warm up before you get started.

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