Get fit and prepare for a future race - 1 session per week over 4 weeks

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If you have stopped training for various reasons, it is time to get back into shape.
This time you you would like to set a new goal. Whether it's running a 10km race or increasing your speed and distance, this interim training program will help you to establish a good fitness foundation and prepare your body for the next challenge.

In a few weeks or months, you will begin a training program to prepare you for a new challenge (such as preparing a 10 or 20km race).
In the meantime, you want to maintain your fitness level to be well prepared and ready for your future race training.
You will start by alternating running and walking, progressing to just a few minutes walking in between continuous running by end of the program (45 minute intervals of running non-stop).
The program takes place over four weeks with one workout per week.

Coach Guidelines
Before starting, check the condition of your shoes. Do some light stretching exercises before each workout, careful not to over-stretch, save the deep stretching for post-workout. Remember to stay hydrated.
If you have any doubts on your fitness form, have a physical fitness test or approval from your doctor to proceed. Over to you now, have fun and best of luck with this program.