Prepare to run 10k in 60 minutes - 2 sessions per week over 12 weeks.

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You love to run and you can jog 30 to 40 minutes without stopping.
You may not always have time to train, but you decide to register for your first 10 k run in 60 minutes maximum.
With this schedule twice a week, you will easily achieve your goal to run 6 min/km.

Coach Guidelines
Follow the instructions given at each training session.The last ones toward the end of the program are not difficult, even the workouts of varied paces.
Maintain a healthy diet and remember to eat carbohydrates the day before the longer workouts.
Drink regularly, do not wait to feel thirsty.Check the condition of your shoes to avoid injury, ask advice from a specialist if possible.
Do some stretching at the end of each session to maximise your recovery.
You can also visit a physiotherapist for massage sessions or to help with postural control.
Ideal training days are Wednesday and Saturday. The last session before your goal will be achieved on Friday or 48 hours before.
Good preparation!