Finish a half marathon with moderate workouts - 2 session a week over 8 weeks.

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You run occasionally, and are able to run 20 to 25 minutes without stopping.
You are ready for a bigger challenge and longer distance and would like to train for your first half marathon.
Jiwok offers a program of 8 weeks with 2 workouts per week, mixing sessions of walking & running with entire 'running only' sessions.
The goal is to learn to run longer at a comfortable pace. This training is exclusively composed of endurance sessions.
With proper training you will finish the race, have fun, and recover more quickly.

Coach Guidelines
Make sure you are equipped with good shoes, and try to follow the time and intensity of workouts as suggested by your Jiwok coach. The aim is to increase endurance first rather than speed.
Be sure to hydrate yourself before and after each session.
Remember to stretch well after each workout.
Keep in mind that the goal of this program is to learn about your comfort thresholds in running. It is important to monitor how you are feeling during the sessions for benchmarks on the day of the race, to ensure that you do not run too fast. Learn your bodies signals, do not over do it.
Sometimes the presence of other runners around you on race day can lead you to overestimate your running speed at the start. Pace yourself carefully.
Finally, your ideal workout days are Wednesday and Saturday or Sunday.
Good preparation and good luck!